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Has anyone done the nude cruise?

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject: Has anyone done the nude cruise?

Just curious if anyone has actually done it. From what I read it is clothing optional. From the pictures I have seen most people opt to keep their clothes on. I think I would enjoy, but I don't want to live the nightmare of being the only one walking around naked. It seems like it would be the ultimate in laziness though. You don't have to cook, clean, OR EVEN PUT YOUR CLOTHES ON! How great is that? Just take a shower, and you have done everything you need to do for the whole day! Just a dream I guess *sigh*

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July 10, 2007
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We have done 10 of the nude cruises with Bare Necessities, the last one being the Holland America Maasdam in February 2007. They are a blast. Highly recommended.

Each cruise is a little different. On this last one in February, the weather and the ship was so fine that most people stayed nude most of the time -- wonderful!



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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I've been on the Mediterranea and Maasdam, and am booked for the Homecoming and Anniversary cruises. This is only the third year, that I've been retired and able to enjoy these cruises. But the OP is right; you get up in the morning, and have to think before you open your cabin door naked, "Can I really go outside my cabin without clothing?"

Regarding you being the only one naked around the ship: Yeah, that's a concern of "True" nudists, but I'm a nudist, and don't mind advertising my self-esteem. As long as it's permitted, I'd be naked on the downtown streets of Toronto....Oh yeah, I am, each year in the World Naked Bike Ride - Toronto.

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March 28, 2008
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February 29, 2008
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`I've done once in Guam island that's fantastic :)

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former member default image - bird flying away

Posted:     Post subject:

`I agree with carsnguitars even thousgh he has been deleted. I went on the Fire & Ice cruise to Alaska July 2007, my first nude but not my first cruise. Yes, for much of the cruise more were dressed than nude. Robes were furnished by Holland American. Eventually more were nude as the cruise continued. A disappointment. I went on the cruise out of curosity because I had taken the textile cruise in 2000 and we froze on deck in Aug. I wanted to see how the nudies handled it. WELL, when I was on deck with glacierts behind me, less than a dozen were on deck. I am proud of my picture, nude on deck with glaciers gleaming. It was the highlight of the cruise for me. But I hear the warmer cruises are really neat and worth the money--yes these cruises are more expensive than the average cruise. But you can't be nude on the textile cruises.

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former member default image - bird flying away

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On the Alaska cruise, I hear, even though it was clothing optional, the temperatures were not suitable for being nude, unless you were Canadian. While there are many people on the other warmer cruises who choose to be covered, it still gives people the opportunity to be creative in their attire.

I don't find naked cruising to be that much more expensive than textile cruises. I usually cruise for about $100 per day, and for the luxury of having a room and all the food you can eat, and being with other fun loving naked people...what a bargain. I book early and am quite happy with inside cabins where I can black out my room and have a nap any time of the day, so I can dance the night away. I suppose, I could also fall asleep on a lounger on the sun deck.

I'm booked on the Anniversary (Tampa) cruise and Hawaii (San Diego) cruise. Perhaps we'll meet up someday. I'll save you a dance in the discos. :D

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former member default image - bird flying away

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`Never was much interested in cruises (especially after being in the Navy), but that one, I just might be.

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July 20, 2009
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March 28, 2009
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PostPosted:     Post subject: Yes, I've been on 7 or 8 of the nude cruises.
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fulltimenudis wrote: We have done 10 of the nude cruises with Bare Necessities, the last one being the Holland America Maasdam in February 2007. They are a blast. Highly recommended.

Each cruise is a little different. On this last one in February, the weather and the ship was so fine that most people stayed nude most of the time -- wonderful!

I've been on 7 or 8 of the nude cruises including the Feb. 07 Caribbean cruise on the Maasdam and the August 07 Alaska cruise on the Rotterdam. (I was the Matchbox on the August cruise.)

If the weather is decent and the ship is warm enough, folks are naked on deck and in the buffets, classes, lounges, and casino.

I like these cruises and intend to take more of them. I've booked two for 2011


Larry M
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April 11, 2021
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